8 Signs That You Have An INFJ Personality - The Rarest Personality



Have you heard of INFJ?  Do you think you're included in the elite club of personality type?

INFJ is one of the rarest of all the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type inventory, also known as the MBTI which is based on Carl Jung's Theory of Personality. It's characterized by introversion, intuition, feeling and judgement. The INFJ personality type makes up less than 2% of the world's population and people with this kind of personality type are known for their warm empathy, keen insights and deep insights into human potential. 

Here are 8 common signs that might be an INFJ Personality type

1. You're On A Different Wavelength

Do you feel like an outsider? Being on a different wavelength means that you have dominant intuition and due to the nature of how intuition works, you feel that explaining how you know things is very difficult and frustrating. It can make you feel misunderstood and withdrawn from others because you can't express your personality in a way that others could understand.


2. You Are Perfectionists And You Procrastinate

Do you have a very high ceiling for success?  Are you striving for perfection, not only wanting to succeed but to go above and beyond to exceed everyone's expectations? This could be a telling sign that you might have the INFJ personality type. Consequently due to your ever-present desire to perform at perfection, you also tend to procrastinate a lot because it can feel like too big of task.

3. You're Perceptive And Good At Reading People 

Do you have a natural ability to read people's motives and feelings? This is indicative that you have an INFJ personality type. You rely heavily on your gut feeling to reach deeper inside of someone's mind. You are intrigued by how other people minds work and what makes them unique. You can easily spot what people real motives thru their words and actions.


4. You Keep A Small Circle Of Friends 

You may have a large acquaintances, but think about it, how many of these acquaintances do you actually consider to be your friends? If your answer is not, then you might have an INFJ personality. You are so devoted and loyal to your small group of friends and will remain in that way in the years to come. This devotion and loyalty stems from the fact that have a very strong intuition. Your intuition makes you highly selective and allows you to separate people who truly shares your values from others who are fake. Similarly, if a friend acts in a way that puts their loyalty in question towards you, you can be quick to set them aside.  


5. You're Deeply Empathetic

Is it easy for you to imagine taking a walk in someone else's shoes? Does understanding a person's feelings and emotions second nature for you? This kind of empathy can, once again be attributed to your intuition and your ability to deeply understands other people's minds. For example, whenever one of your friends has bad behavior or does something wrong, instead of just focusing on what they did, you can see past it and be considerate.

6. You Despise Small Talk

Do you hate having to talk about the news or discuss the basketball game last night? Are you one of those people who can't stand excessive small talk? If you find yourself being extremely bored from prolonged small talk, is a clear indicator of having an INFJ personality. You find small talk pointless and only takes away your time and energy. You real desire is to have a deep and meaningful conversations with other people. What you're interested about their values, feelings and emotions instead of some trivial matters.


7. You Are Focused On The Future

If you have an INFJ personality type, you often do anything you can to achieve your personal goals. As such, you have a future based perspective, since you are always one step ahead to reach your goals. You tend to be very critical about your past failures. To avoid the feeling sadness, you'll prefer to live a lifestyle that's heavily future focused. An example is, if you feel like the relationship with your significant other is not going anywhere, you'll most likely to break the relationship up. Or if you find yourself stuck in a job that has no future for career advancement, you are most likely to quit that job.


8. You Prioritize People Who Need Help

Do you often feel like you need to help people? Is your heart just feel too big, brimming with compassion and empathy? While this trait makes it much easier to form deep and meaningful relationships with your friends, it can also backfires on you. The combination of empathy and the ability to look past the surface and see good in people can lead them to Broken Wing Theory. This theory is the idea that people who need help can never be abandoned. Although it can be very rewarding and gratifying for you to help others, when over doing it, it can be very frustrating and stressful as well. For example, if one friend is struggling with a particular subject that you know you're good at, you'll offer to help tutor them, even if they didn't ask for help. Even if you have to study for an exam, you would rather choose to help that friend.


Welcome To The Elite Club

It this describes your personality then congratulations!, you might be part of less than 2% of the world's population that have the INFJ type personality. Remember that you are very much appreciated by your friends and family. You have a developed intuition to know things about people without the need for obvious proof. You are someone who will do anything to achieve your goals, but at the same time, care about how your actions affect other people. Be proud and embrace all your strengths and improve the weaknesses. It will definitely lead you to a happy and successful life.

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