7 Signs Of An Incompatible Relationships


A lot us spend a good amount of our lives looking for "The One". But what actually happens when we actually find someone that we like? How do we know if that person is right the one we could spend the rest of our lives with? Or even if getting into a relationship with that person is the right choice? 

While compatibility does not guarantee a lasting relationships, research have showed that it has a significant impact to the quality and satisfaction of a relationship. The more compatible you and your partner are, the happier you're relationship will be. Each of us has their own ideas about what qualities and traits our ideal partner should posses but it is indeed rare to find somebody who's a perfect match for us. To settle the differences with our partner, we learn to compromise and grow to love them despite of their imperfections. However, it can be difficult to differentiate normal differences from incompatibility.

So if you're wondering whether or not you and your significant other are compatible 

Here are 7 tell tale signs you are aren't right for each other


 1. You Don't Understand  Each Other 

Right from the start, this will hint a great deal of information on how compatible the two of you really are. Having difficulty comprehending their feelings, what's in their head and what their needs are, could be signs that the of you are severely incompatible. You'd rather be with a person who's moving in a same direction as you are, you understand each other even without saying a word. Frequent miscommunication and misunderstanding will often lead to conflicts that weakens the relationship.

2. The Two Of Have Different Personalities

While it is true that opposites attracts, a healthy free flowing relationship requires two people who compliment each other. Having same goals, values, principles and passion in life is a perquisite to a long lasting relationship. Although it could be exciting to be with someone who's entirely different from you, this will soon fade in time. The two of you will find it difficult to continue the relationship in a meaningful and harmonious way because the similarities between the two of you just doesn't exists.

3. Trying To Change Each Other

One important key of having a strong relationship is by helping each other grow and providing motivation to become a better version of themselves. But it has to be you and your partner's own free will that needs to be followed in implementing those changes that you want from each other. If your partner has things that they didn't like about you, it is not sustainable if you keep forcing yourself to change rather than acting in your own freewill.  The way you speak, you dress, the food the you eat, the people that you want hang out with, must not be dictated by others including your significant other. It is only you who has power to decide who you want yourself to be.  If you are not comfortable in showing the real you or being told what you should be,is a definite red flag in your relationship

4. Frequent Fighting And Arguing

It is normal for couples to have a little disagreements from time to time. All of us has unique personalities that sometime clash with each other. But frequent fighting and toxic arguments shows that you have a serious incompatibility issue with your partner. Resorting to shouting, name calling and saying nasty things at each other means that you lost all respect for each other. This will build resentment with both of you holding grudges, bringing out the ugly side of one another. 


5. Ignoring That There Is A Problem

Even though constant fighting is not healthy for your relationship, pretending that nothing is wrong and ignoring the things that bothers you isn't a solution. You have to be honest and communicate your feelings in a kindly and loving manner even if that could lead into an argument. Agreeing to things that you don't like just to appease your significant other will only compound your feelings of resentment and will eventually explode into a full blown conflict. Ignoring the issues and pretending that you're okay will often backfire into an even bigger quarrels because you can no longer hold and disguise your frustrations anymore. Resolving your conflict doesn't always have to be in a negative way, being constructive and positive could lead to mutual understanding could lead to a more mature way in dealing with your relationship problems.

6. You Become Distant To Your Friends

Have you noticed that you haven't spent any time with your partner's circle of friends or family?  Have you ever been introduced to his parents, family members or any their closest friends even if you are dating for a while now? If the answer is no, this might be a sign that you are incompatible with each other.  It is important that you get to spend time with your partner's love ones and get to know them better. People who spends time with their partner's closest friends and family has the tendency to have a happier and longer relationships.


7. You're Not That Attracted To Your Partner

Some people choose to settle on the person that they have a little to no attraction at all. This might be due to practicality, low self -esteem, or the fear of living it alone. Even with intimacy and commitment present in your relationship, without passion, the two of you are merely sharing a platonic or lust based type of intimacy.



In reality a perfect relationship is a very rare occurrence if not impossible, there will always disagreements and arguments in just about any normal relationships. No one is perfect therefore there can be no perfect relationship either, but with effort and strong commitment nothing is impossible if you truly in love with the person you are with. What's important is knowing that person is worth the time, effort and dedication to grow a healthy relationship.

In the end, knowing compatibility vs. incompatibility will save you a lot of time, effort and heartache, so choose your partner wisely.

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