Why No Contact Rule Works?

It is a way for you to have a break from a toxic relationship or marriage that is bringing you with so much pain and trauma throughout the years. Consider it as a medicine or a bitter pill to swallow that will eventually help you to heal. This will also give you time think about or consider if the relationship or marriage is really runs its course or it deserves a second chance.
Implementing the No Contact Rule helps you remove your addiction to the other person thus starting the healing process of your heart. 
A lot of us at some point has been involved in a narcissistic relationship or being with an abusive partner. Going No Contact will make you focus on your well-being and balance your life. Letting go of that person will unburden you and will clear your head and realize that it is not good to be with a toxic person and there is plenty of worthy person out there that will appreciate you for who you are.
Being in a toxic relationship is real hard to get out from and it takes a lot of courage and will power to overcome. 
The fear of losing someone you truly loved especially when you are involved with someone for so many years seems to be impossible for us to get over with. It feels like losing them is like severing a part of yourself. The fear of loss is why many of us choose to be in a toxic relationship than leaving the person behind.
The no contact approach must be used as the act of last resort as we all know most people will be resistant into going no contact with their ex because like a drug people tend to be addictive and have some trouble letting go of that addiction.
In the end it is only that you could help yourself and save yourself.

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