What Are The Signs That You Are In A Toxic Marriage

With more than 50% of marriage ending up in divorce in America, having to know someone whose  in a toxic marriage is very likely.  Maybe you are someone who is also in a a toxic marriage. 

But what exactly are the signs to look at for.


#1 There Is Lack Of Respect Between The Two Of You

Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up to them? If your partner continuously belittles you and treats you like a doormat, maybe its time to end the marriage. You don't deserved to be in an abusive relationship. No one should be experiencing an attack on their self-worth as a person especially from someone they love.

While it is normal for two people to have disagreements or even find fault with each other, it's already considered as toxic if there is a pattern of contempt and disdain --  if they keep on trying to make you feel small and unworthy every time the two of you have disagreements.


#2 You Don't Communicate With Each Other Anymore

As Tony Robbins said, Communication in relationships is essential to having a happy, healthy partnership. It's all about connecting with your partner verbally, physically or emotionally to fulfill each other's needs.

Maybe the two of you are all caught up at work or your both tired of arguing, so instead you give each other the silent treatment. 

There's a lack intimacy no more,hugging kissing or even sex, the two of you essentially becomes room mates rather than being a couple. This kind of silent toxicity is slowly poisoning your marriage. Try talking to your partner in order to re-establish your communication and save your marriage.


#3 You Can't Express Yourself

It's like walking on eggshells because you have watch out everything you say and do because it might offend your partner. It seems that everything will get criticisms from the other and you aren't allowed to the things or activities that you wanted. Being with a possessive person takes away your freedom and should not be tolerated by you. 


#4 You Do All the Effort 

Are you the only one who is investing more time and energy into the relationship, while your husband or wife doesn’t provide the same level of attention and care for your well-being. Remember that there must be balance in the relationship. It should be give and take. Your must not always the one who is giving and the other does only the taking. You must work together as an equal and not let yourself become a caregiver to your partner.


#5 You Are Physically Abused

Physical abuse in marriage often occurs in cycles,typically starts out as an argument that turns into a physical confrontation such as hitting, kicking or slapping you. Maybe your spouse is on substance abuse or alcohol, for whatever reason it may be, If your are suffering from physical violence it is OK to ask for help. You don't deserved to be in an abusive marriage and there is no fixing the marriage or your partner. The only solution is to leave the marriage.


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