Types Of People That We Shouldn't Be Friends With

We can all agree that everyone has different paths in gaining happiness and fulfillment in life. Some strives to earn a good living and enjoy the luxuries of life, others seek lifetime partners whom they want to share their goals and dreams, while others find satisfaction and completeness in helping others and doing philanthropic deeds to our fellow men. Everyone has a different purpose, but something that’s common for almost everyone is the happiness and fulfillment in forming relationships with other people. Having a loving and caring family, significant other, and friends will make your path to happiness and fulfillment in life easier to achieve. 

But, like anything in life, you will experience the bad side of having toxic relationships and friendships along the way. Toxic relationships can be very detrimental for your overall well-being so it’s very important to cut fake people off as soon as possible. With this in mind, here are the types of people you should stop being friends with.


A Friend Who Reaches Out When They Need Something

Do you have a friend who only talks to you when they need something or ask you to do favors for them? This is a significant sign that you are being used and not really valued as a friend. Though it is okay to help a friend in times of need such as money, errands, and favors from time to time. An abusive friend who is constantly asking you for something and only shows up when it suits them can't be considered a friend but more of a parasite. Friendships should be give and take and both of you shares mutual interest helping each other out during the bad times.

People changes their relationship priorities through different times in their lives, and it’s normal for your friends to have less time for you when they are busy with their jobs, businesses or their kids. What is not okay is when its time for you to ask them for help and they seem to turned a blind eye or blatantly ignores your messages showing that you have a zero priority in their lives. Removing this people in your friends list is important in making room from someone whose genuinely interested in becoming your pal whom will never let you down.

The Friend Who Gaslights You

Is your friend constantly blames you whenever something goes wrong between the two of you? If your friend is acting like this, there's a good chance that your friend is gaslighting you. Gaslighting refers to the act of manipulating a person to question their thoughts, memories, and things happening around them.You should make a detailed comparison on what this friend is saying versus the way he or she is acting.

For example, if a friend says that you are too sensitive after saying hurtful things about you, making you doubt your feelings, then mentions that he/he cares for you, chances are that he/she is only saying that in order to gaslight you.

The Friend Who Never Reaches Out To You

Is the line of communication between the of you a one way street?  Investing on a one-sided friendship is not beneficial for your overall well-being. Nothing positive will ever come out if you're always the one making the effort in keeping the friendship going. If you’re always the one who's making plans to meet-up with your friend that only means that they are never interested in hanging out with you in the first place, where is the spirit of friendship in that?

If you are in this type of situation it might the right time to move on and sever ties with this zombie friend. Being with someone where you do all the effort can be quite exhausting and fruitless to say the least.


The Friend who always talks about themselves

Complimenting each other is a sign of a balanced friendship. The two of you are happy in the company of each other and are interested in building each other up. But it can be quite annoying if you have a friend who constantly talks about themselves all the time and doesn't even bother to asks you a tiny bit of what's been going with your life lately. This egoistic individuals always likes to be at the center of your conversations, bragging how awesome they are and could not care enough about you and your interest and the things that you like to do. Its always all about them. It can be frustrating when asking advice with this kind person because in the end all they do is talk about themselves without listening to you. It's a big waste of time giving this person attention because you cannot rely on them.

The Friend Who Always Talks Down On You

Does your friend always talks like they are superior than you by saying things to put you down or disrespect you? If you have someone who constantly doubts your ability to succeed or making fun of you just because they feel that you are stupid, that you're not in their level intellectually, its time to cut this friend out of your life. You are better off  being alone than with someone who finds satisfaction in making you feel inferior all the time.

If any of the situations above describes your relationship with your so called friend, maybe it's time reevaluate on whether keeping them in your life is beneficial or has a negative impact on your overall well-being.

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