6 Signs That She Doesn't Like You

You met a girl and you're head over heels about her. But that doesn’t matter at all. All that matters are her true feelings about you. The question is: Are you going to pursue this girl or is it time to walk away? 

Both of you had spent some time together and you can’t help but to fall for her but it seems like she is sending you mixed signals acting hot and cold at times. How tell if she likes you or not is easier than what you think if you focus on the subtle signals that she is sending you.

You’ve probably had spent time with her personally from which you can gauge her feelings towards you. Actions speaks louder than words and this could never be more true when it comes to women. These signs might help you to know if a girl is not into you:


#1 It Takes A Long Time For Her To Text Or Call Back

It’s no secret that women communicate more than men and they like to talk about their emotions, feelings and sharing their day to day life with the people they care about. If a girl takes more than an hour to text you back or worst your message goes into seen without any reply, it only means that you are not important to her.


#2 She’s Always Busy

Seriously? All of us are busy. Time is not the issue here; what matters is where you’re at in here line of priority. No matter how busy we really are if we are interested on something or someone, we will make time, no ifs not buts. If you ask her out for 2 or 3 consecutive times and she says she’s busy, it’s a clear indication that she is not interested. Don’t waste your time and move on to the next one.


#3 She’s avoiding you

This one stings. I mean a lot. When the two of you used to hang out on the same place but suddenly you didn’t see her anymore or worse when sees you coming and she leaves abruptly it only means that she is no longer comfortable when you are around. Don’t even bother to talk to her again unless she’s the one who approaches you first. Just be casual and forget about having any romantic involvement about her ever again.


#4 She’s hasn’t introduced you to her family or friends

Being outside of her inner circle and remaining there for quite sometime is a definite sign that she is not into you. If she thinks that you are awesome and a catch in her eyes, she will brag you to her parents and even to her closest friends. Maybe she’s embarrassed to even be identified with you or maybe she is dating or already in a relationship with a another guy. For whatever reason that she hasn’t introduced you to her friends and family, it simply means that she has a low to no interest in you in a romantic level.


 #5 She Mentions A Guy Whom She Finds Attractive

If a girl that you like keeps on telling you how much she likes the other guy from work school or at the gym, not only its inappropriate but also disrespectful especially if you already made your intentions clear that you have a romantic feelings towards her. Maybe she’s doing that on that on purpose to tell you indirectly that she’s attracted to the other guy and not you. If you ever encounter this kind of situation the least that you can do is to step back and forget about dating this kind of girl. Treat her as a friend and find someone else.

#6 She Refers To You As A "Friend"

Associating you with the F-word (Friend) is not a good sign. Though some relationships do start up with friendship, when a woman tells you that you are good friend it indicates that romance is not something that you and her will ever share. You need stop investing on this woman if you’re purpose is to have a romantic relationship. There’s plenty out there whose better suited for you and will welcome you with open arms.

"I Fell In Love With A Distant Star"  Jhenn

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