Should I Give My Ex A Second Chance?

 You've might find yourself reconnecting with an old flame -- the one that you considered the love of your life..  It might also be an ex whom you recently broke-up who is begging you to take him or her back. Your feelings on this kind of situation plays a crucial role in determining if you'll stay the course of moving on or giving it another shot. The decision is easy if you have moved on but if you're still in love with your ex you must consider some things before deciding on getting back together.

A Time To Think
It is understandable that after a break-up it may take some time for your feelings to fade. Living life without your ex is difficult specially when we still have feelings for them because as time passes by we see only the positive things that went on in the relationship. We tend to forget the negative things that our ex has done to us or the circumstances the led to the break-up. If you are questioning whether the two of you should get back together, it is important to clarify the reasons on why wanting that person back still exists. After you do so, you must think objectively on whether your ex really does deserve a second chance.

Reason For The Break-Up

An Objective Reflection is needed in order find out why the two of you broke-up in the first place. After you do so, you must make a careful judgement on the events that lead to the break-up. If the reason is infidelity, it would be very difficult to justify of getting the two of you back together because as we all know trust is the most crucial part of any relationship, without trust there can no stability in the relationship.

Is The Timing Right?

There are Plenty of factors on why the relationship has ended because of bad timing. It might that the two of you were not mature enough during that time and needed some personal growth by being apart. You might also have different goals that both of you wanted to achieve during that time. If that is the case, if both of you are now on the same page and has matured emotionally, maybe giving your ex a second chance might be worth it. 

Hear The Opinions Of Your Friends

Your closest friends will know if getting back with your ex is the right thing to do. They are the ones that you confide when there is something wrong with your relationship. They are the ones who sees your relationship from a different angle because sometimes we are blinded by the fact that we love them so much that we ignore the reality that our ex doesn't deserved a second chance. But in the end it is only you that can decide on whether your relationship should be brought back to life.


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