7 Reasons Why Women Cheat On Their Men

There is a huge misconception in our society that it is always the man who are cheating with their partners or spouse. In fact some studies claimed that it is women who are more likely to cheat than men. It will be a hot topic for sure and a lot of feminists and feminazis alike are going to be upset but let us focus on the topic of why women will cheat with their men.

# 1 Women Feel Neglected, Taken For Granted And Ignored By Their Partners

Of course all women wants to be appreciated and being taking care of, not just financially but also emotionally and sexually by their husbands and lovers. Like the great coach Corey Wayne always say, courtship never ends in marriage, if you don't date your woman -- someone else will. Men tend to realize this mistake when the relationship is on its terminal stage. Their woman has gone so emotionally distant and found someone else to fill those needs. 


#2 No Physical Intimacy

Women are emotional creatures, what they feel is what they follow. They need to feel valued and connected with their man. Having frequent arguments and fights can lead to decreased sexual appetite with each other. The guy might also be busy over work or business that he gives zero time to her. This leads a woman to seeking attention outside of marriage or relationship, the cheating starts with frequent innocent chats and conversations which escalates into a sexual encounter that becomes a full blown cheating.


#3 Loneliness

Women who are involved in long distance relationship or have partners who are working long hours or having to go abroad are more susceptible to cheating. Temptation is to high and guilt is being replaced by resentment as women will cover up the feelings of guilt by the shortcomings of their partners. Women will find logical reasons for their cheating for example, their husbands were never really there and this other guy is always by her side when she needs it the most. Therefore putting the blame on the other side in essence.


#4 Lack Of Integrity

The are women out there who are simply lacking good moral ascendancy that they don't care if they hurt the other person by cheating on them. It goes both ways with men also. Maybe this kind of woman likes to sleep around with multiple men trying different sizes and angles. One of the main traits with these kind of women is that they are pathological liars, they lie and lie and lie. 


#5 Financial Reasons

Women are driven by their instinct to find a partner that will provide security for her and their offsprings like food to eat, a roof above their heads and other basic necessities. How many times have you heard of women leaving their husbands after being out of work or going through a financial struggle. Women in general are attracted to successful people and when his man is struggling financially for quite sometime, a low integrity woman might start entertaining other men who would give them financial security that their partners cannot provide anymore.


#6  Being Abused

Women who experience physical, verbal and emotional violence might opt to exit the relationship but they just can't because of many reasons. Maybe they are afraid to live it alone or if they have kids they don't want to have a broken home. Or they don't have a job or any stable financial resource to leave their husband. What they do is to seek a temporary relief or comfort with someone else they've just met or someone who are currently in their friend-zoned list. It starts out as an innocent friendship but goes deeper as time passes by. There can never be any justification for abuse and so as cheating.

Cheating can be traumatic and no how bad your relationship status is, it is better to break-up the relationship before entering into the new one.

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