How To Get Over A Depression

Going Thru with depression is really difficult especially during these times when a lot of us lost our jobs and businesses because of the pandemic. Your depression might also come from grieving the lost of a loved one, undergoing a relationship problem or maybe you have a personal problem that has been lingering in your mind and is slowly eating your sanity from within.

You might  feel like your alone in your battle and your friends and family has abandoned you. There might be a thought of ending your life as the last option that you had to make. 


These tips might help you in dealing with your depression.


#1 Ask Someone For Help

Keeping it  to yourself wont solve your problem. Don't tell yourself that there is no way out of this. If asking for professional help is too much of a big step for you, set a timeline by taking on a-day-to-day basis in building enough confidence to finally ask for some professional help.

 If you have a close friend to talk to, do so..  It is natural to feel hesitant and apprehensive at first but it shouldn't get in on the way.

Having a support group by your side will ease some of the burden by letting your emotions out of your system. It will  definitely benefit you in so many ways. Sometimes all we need is someone who listens and cares and not necessarily there to help you fix the problem.

#2 Be Positive

Depression can cloud our minds that everything is doomed and all hope is lost. All  you have to do is focus on the good things. Remember that no matter how worst your problems are, there is someone else way worse than you. Be optimistic about the future. Remember that nothing in this world stays the same. Your situation will eventually change. Just believe in yourself and stay focus on the positive side of life.


 #3 Do Things That You Enjoy 

Going through a depression can be tough. Forcing yourself to get up and do things could be difficult but necessary. You can start by doing some activities with your friends like jogging, going for a walk or dine in a fancy restaurant that you frequently went before. Try watching some interesting shows on Netflix. You might find some shows that interest you and could somewhat distract you at least temporarily from your depression. If your are passionate in helping those less fortunate, do some voluntary work. Helping other people will give you some sense of purpose and peace of mind.

#4 Create A Journal

Writing a journal can be therapeutic in managing your emotions as it can be an outlet to express your emotions and your challenges in combating depression. Be honest as you can in writing your journal. It will help you alleviate some stress by expressing how you feel thru writing and you'll be amazed with what it can do to release those negative energy inside you.


#5 Start A Healthy Lifestyle

Start by going to the gym and some workouts. Exercise is said to increase a type of hormone called Endorphins. It is released when doing pleasurable activities such as exercise, massage, eating and sex. It is said to be a feel good hormone which help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Eating a potassium rich diet such as avocados and bananas were also known to relieve  stress. Omega-3 rich food such a such as salmon, mackerel, herring , trout, and sardines are types of fatty acids helps improves your cognitive function and mental health.


Understanding what is the root cause of your depression and replace it with good and positive mindset is essential in getting yourself out of this vicious cycle of negative thoughts. Also with the help of a professional and support of your family and friends getting out of depression is within your reach.


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