How To Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship

A toxic relationship can be defined as a relationship where two people are trapped in a cycle of never-ending conflict. They have completely lost all respect with each other making the relationship damaged beyond repair. These are some tips that could help you get out of a toxic relationship:
#1 Admit That Relationship Is Over
The first step that you must take is to accept that the relationship is unsalvageable. You had tried so many times to save your relationship but if the other person is unwilling to fix or even give an effort and the line of communication between the two of you is non-existent, that is the time to free yourself and move on with your life without your partner.
#2 Write A Journal Of Your Feelings
Keeping a journal of day-to-day update of your emotions will help you look at your present situation objectively. This will definitely help empower and give you the courage to leave your toxic relationship that has been damaging you mentally, emotionally and even physically for a very long time. Journal is an effective form of therapy as way of letting go of your emotions instead of keeping it inside you.
#3 Putting Your Needs First
Going along with whatever your partner wants to do, even when it goes against your wishes or comfort level is another sign of a toxic relationship. This manipulative and controlling type must stop. Narcissistic people are also good in manipulating their partners through emotional blackmail, injecting guilt to make you do things against your own free will. Change can only happen if  you respect yourself in being able to walk away and meaning it.
#4 Ask For Support
Asking your friends or your relatives for emotional support is so important once you’ve decided to walk away from a toxic relationship. Remember that it’s not healthy to keep your problems all to yourself. Tell your closest friend or your parents about what you’re going thru and letting them know about what’s going on. This will give you courage to stand on your own resisting the urge to go back with your ex.
#5 Do The No Contact Rule
The no contact rule is the most effective way in order to break free from a toxic relationship. It helps you heal a broken heart by completely removing the other person out of your life.This will give time to grieve a loss and break your addiction to that person. Going no-contact is the same as becoming sober or abstinent from a drug. It takes a lot effort and you will experience a period withdrawal. But with time and determination the pain will lessen and eventually you will be able to move on without the toxic person in your life.

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