6 Things To Remember When You Are Suffering In Life


Are you lost? Do you feel the impending presence of depression on the horizon. Despite your uttermost effort to resist the persisting dark thoughts, it still manages to found a way into your mind that makes you question your purpose in life and your own self worth.

While it might sound as cliche, you life is not over and there is something in it that is worth living. We can get lost in our heads, feeding ourselves dark thoughts and cruel insults. Don't give up hope yet because we can rewrite this thoughts and our future


1. Life Ain't Always Happy

We can often get lost in the idea that we must always be happy. We tend to look at others and idealize their lives. We look to our neighbors and peers thinking that they are far ahead in life than us, thus thinking that they are happier than you. While it is true that people can live seemingly happy lives, most of us will live our lives in neutral conditions. We aren't meant to be living in a constant static joy.  For if we were happy all the time, there will be no no concept of happiness at all. Happiness would just become normal, boring and dull because it has become something that we are used to.

Humans are made to generally look at the negative side of things. We are simply designed that way. In psychology it is generally accepted that the human brain has a negativity bias. Studies of the brain activity have shown that the brain responds more actively to images that are negative in nature than the positives and neutral ones. The general idea is that our brains has evolved to protect us from danger. As evolving humans we need to focus on the dangers that could harm us rather than the positive ones in our life, in order to survive

So when you find yourself being unhappy, constantly comparing life to others, ruminating over worries, bringing yourself down, don't feel discouraged. Acknowledge that negative thoughts are normal. Be an observer of your life. Know your limits and know there's so much thing as always being happy. Happiness is a moment passing one at that. For if it stayed any longer, we would forget that we are happy at all. That feeling would simply become neutral then wouldn't be able to appreciate it.


2. This Thou Shall Pass

You must acknowledge that there are other feelings to experience. They are out there and we just need to accept them. Perhaps you just lost your beloved job or maybe you're mourning the lost of a love one. You may even be suffering from mental illness. While it may seem like the pain from these experiences is unrelenting, no matter how much you fight it, life is always changing. We are always growing as humans and events and circumstances can and will change. All things pass in due time and hope is out there. If its a week, a day, an hour, a minute that you need, give your heart the time it needs to heal. That hour or that month, that year, whatever it may be, one day when you wake to the sun rising, you're gonna feel netter.


3. Acknowledge The Good Things In You Life

There's so much to be grateful in life that we tend to overlook and not able to knowledge. Sometimes when our thoughts are so focus on the negatives of a mistake we've made or a task we failed, we tend to forget the positives. Sometimes, it can be very hard to be someone who always looks on the bright side. Don't expect too much of yourself and always remember that the human brain is biased to negativity. Focus your attention at what does make your life worth living. If you have kind and loving parents or friends, take a moment to feel the gratitude. If you've achieved great something in the past, recognize it and truly give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back. If you've overcome an immense hurdle, feel proud it. Recognizing what is good in our lives can help us see that they do outweigh the bad. If we give them the love and attention they deserve, only  then we can see all the good things that made our lives worth living.


4. Write You Own Story

All us of could sometimes be caught up with out own disappointments that we forget that we can change. Maybe you weren't the person you set out to be. Though at first you realize that maybe that isn;t such a bad thing. Do you have to be whom you've always imagined in order to live fruitful, happy in life? You can become someone else, anybody else, the possibilities are endless. I mean, You'll still be you just don't expect to become the king of France. Odds are really not in favor for that one. But keep the essence of who you are and don't feel that you have to change, but do know that we all make mistakes and we can all learn from them. With enough practice, habits can be forged. Skills can be learned and you can be the best version of yourself. Change is possible, we just have to keep pursuing it.


5. Your Mind Can Lie To You

We are truly our own worst enemies. Our minds can lie to us. We tell ourselves harsh things and cruel criticisms. We ruminate on what goes wrong in our life over what has gone right. We are the best at lying to ourselves. Maybe you felt it, the harsh words and criticisms stinging you. They find a way deep into your heart, prying at your insecurities, as if screaming in unrelenting voice that you find as your own. You may think you're worthless.  That you've surely failed. That you'll never get better. But these are lies and we look at others with unbiased eyes and realized they're judging themselves far too harshly. So maybe we should try to do the same for ourselves. Recognize whatever circumstances you're in. Whatever has happened to you, it's not a reflection of your self-worth. You're not set in stone. We can change. We can grow and our self-criticisms are often too harsh.

6. There Is Out There Who Loves You

Some of us are blind to the overwhelming amount of support around us. We simply need to give ourselves a chance to open up. There's someone out there who loves you. Maybe in this moment of your life, you feel alone, but to feel alone is not a reason to give up. Many survivors of suicide have oftern regretted their suicide attempts as soon as they have made them. And many have gone to build meaningful lives and loving relationships. While it can feel like you've been waiting or trying forever to find someone who understands you and loves you, don't give up. They could be right around the corner. You could find someone to build a life with.a partner, a friend, a family. A passion can even become the love of your life. And if given enough love for yourself, one of your best allies and friends can even be you. It should be you. And try to give you the love the best of friends can deserves.  If you don't give up and instead give your life the fighting chance, it deserves, you can nurture that bright thought that your life is worth living.


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