10 Signs That You Might Found "The One"



It is present in almost all romantic movies and novels the narrative of finding the "The One" or "The Love of your Life"

Finding someone who loves us is not easy for most of us; There is no right or wrong way of knowing whether you may have found ‘the love of your life’. When you put it in a numbers game perspective, chances of finding the ‘one’ among 7.6 billion people on the Earth may seem like farfetched idea but the fact remains that some people are more compatible with others.

So how do we know if we have found that special person whom we want to spend the rest of our lives?

These are the 10 signs that you may have found the love of your life.

1. There Are Changes Inside Your Brain 

According to researchers at at New York Stony Brook University, there are biochemical reactions with your brain while experiencing real love and attachment. A surge of chemicals called dopamine in your brain is making you happy when thinking about or being around with your partner. This makes a good indicator that you might have found the love of your life.


2. Using 'Us' and 'We' instead of  'I' and 'Me'

Psychologists at the University of Texas found out in their study that those who are deeply in love with their significant other is more likely to use plural nouns Using 'Us' and 'We' instead of  'I' and 'Me' when describing or talking about your relationship during conversations with others. If your partner happens to describe these pronouns more frequently, this would mean a deep romantic connection between the of you.

3 .They Are Willing to Fight For Your Relationship

People will forsake their own religion, leave their own families or give up their career just to be with the person they totally in love with. If both of you are willing to work through the trouble spots, work through relationship issues and repair the cracks, this shows both maturity and willingness of your partner to nurture the relationship even more.

4. Willingness To Make Compromise In The Relationship

A 2015 study carried out by psychologists at Kobe University in Japan, says that if your partner is willing to make certain sacrifices in order to keep your relationship going, this would be a good a sign of a long lasting union between the of you.  Your partner's willingness to compromise in ensuring a successful relationship without sacrificing your own morals or valuers is a sure sign that they are ‘The One’ for you.


5. They Support You

Supporting each other’s  life goals, dreams and ambitions will solidify your relationship even more, it makes you feel heard and loved. This key component is essential in building a healthy and lasting relationship. According to the psychological researcher Dr. John Gottman, The One should “look up to you, admire you, and respect you.”  If your partner demonstrates these factors, that person may very well be the love of your life.

6. You Grow Together

According to experts a growth relationship mindset are beliefs and expectations that relationships must evolve, change, and grow over time. Researchers point out that people who implements a growth mindset will experience relationship benefits including conflict mitigation, increased in sexual satisfaction, having more constructive ways of  handling relationship stressors and even shield the relationship from breaking. Couples who grow together are more likely to stay together.

7. You're Both On The Same Page

To be happy with your relationship, you need to live your life according to your values and needs. You and your partner must be aligned with your core values and goals in life because it is important to feel connected, cherished, heard, valued and respected in the relationship. You must able to put yourself in the shoes of your partner as well and being able to see things from their perspective. If you feel that this things are being met in you relationship, this may mean that you have found ‘The One’ for you. 


8. You Have Same Ambitions In Life

According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, we tend to subconsciously seek partners who meet our minimum needs. We tend to be attracted to people stays for a lifetime commitment and share similar tastes, values and goals in life. It doesn't need for both of you to be identical in every aspect of your wants and needs. If you feel that the two of of you are moving forward towards the same goals in life, settling minor differences, having open discussions then this could be a great sign that He or She is "The One"


9. You Have Strong Physical Chemistry  

Physical attraction is as important as emotional and spiritual connection. The feelings of excitement, increased energy levels, and craving for physical connection could suggest that they are ‘the love of your life’. According to a research conducted by Birnbaum and Finkel, sexual compatibility is a major contributor in a long lasting relationship. In fact, sex is an important mechanism that holds a couple together, especially in long term relationships. So, if you frequently feel the urge to engage in sexual intimacy and physical contact with your partner often and regularly, its a positive indicator that you have found  ‘The One’.

10. They Understand Your Love Language

 It is seldom that two individuals who are in a relationship have same language, so it's important for them to learn each other's love language in order to have a long-lasting relationship. Studies have shown that when partners learned to speak each other’s preferred love language, they will feel loved and experienced greater relationship satisfaction. If you feel that your significant other is doing a great job in understanding your love language and can meet your emotional and communication needs, then this could indicate you are meant for each other.


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